viernes, julio 29, 2005

Current Mode: TIRED.

I didn't update in weeks maybe?
Oh damn... I have no time, I feel sleepy... tired basically...
14.500 employees will be fired in the next 6 months... I can hear the voices of those who try to hide from their managers...
Those who didn't work in whole year, now are making all their job in few weeks...
Lunch it's being use for training to engineers... I started to hate sandwiches and Vitalinea yoghurts...
I am not the best employee of this company, but I look around and I usually see people "acting" like they're working...
At last I just think, I am the only who is not acting like working here?
Hot weather all around... I can sleep at nights... my cat it's on heat... she just cry all the night searching for a male... horrible...
Please... I want to finish summer as soon as posible...


Blogger R said...

Take it easy, all things got to end someday, even the worses.

P.D. en super-english de la muerte, con mi curiosa gramatica eso si.

3:17 p. m.  

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